Friday, December 17, 2010
Here's the prompt for the letter-essay you'll write in class on Monday
Support your explanation of the character’s and the motif’s significance by citing at least three specific places where you, as Golding the author, use the character to contribute to the novel’s meaning and three specific places where you, as Golding, use the motif to contribute to the novel’s meaning. Make sure you explain how the parts -- the particular uses of the character & motif -- contribute to the meaning of the novel as a whole.
When thinking about Golding's point of view and Golding’s purpose in constructing the novel, consider some things Golding has written about the novel.
“I believe that man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature.”
“The theme (of Lord of the Flies) is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. The moral is that the shape of society must depend on the ethical mature of the individual and not on any political system however apparently logical or respectable.”
Also perhaps consider William Golding's life. The following is an excerpt from the Nobel Prize website. (Golding won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983.)
"Taught at Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury. Joined the Royal Navy in 1940 and spent six years afloat, except for seven months in New York and six months helping Lord Cherwell at the Naval Research Establishment. He saw action against battleships (at the sinking of the Bismarck), submarines and aircraft. Finished as Lieutenant in command of a rocket ship. He was present off the French coast for the D-Day invasion, and later at the island of Walcheren. After the war he returned to teaching [until 1962], and began to write again. Lord of the Flies, his first novel, was published in 1954."
And for more of Golding's views you'll find his Nobel Lecture at
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Notes for Reviewing Lord of the Flies
Looking more closely at Lord of the Flies
the first half
Characters are in italics; motifs and symbols are in bold; connections to the world off the island are underlined
Chapter One: “Sound of the Shell”
7 Discussion of context off the island & scar on the island
15-17 Discovery of conch. Ralph’s role. Piggy’s role
18-22 Introduction of other characters including Jack, Simon, Roger, littluns…
28 Exploration of island: rock as “monster” & “bomb”; Jack not killing the pig 31; how characters react to “candle buds” (the island itself) 30; Ralph: “this [island] belongs to us” 29
Chapter Two: “Fire on the Mountain” (island’s appearance)
33 Conch = order, voice for voiceless (?)
35 Introduction of the beast concept by the littlun with the birthmark
40 Fire: Piggy’s glasses, first failure, second “success”: squirrel to panther (beast) 44; boy w/ birthmark missing 46
Chapter Three: “Huts on the Beach” (island’s appearance)
48-50 Jack “dog-like” “like a shadow under darkness of the tree and crouched” “compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up” / “not hunting, but—being hunted” (at meeting) > beast talk (52-53)
Simon considers beast “as if…the beastie…was real” (52); fruit to littluns 56; off by himself: “candle-like buds” and “scent spilled into the air and took possession of the island” (vs. this is our island)
Chapter Four: “Painted Faces and Long Hair”
60-62 Roger throws rocks around Henry (littlun) but doesn’t his because of “the taboo of the old life” (62) “protection of parents and school and policmen and the law” (62) in Roger’s head: “Roger’s arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins.” (62)
63-64 Painted Faces/ “Mask” (the boys’ appearance) : Jack w/ Roger: “Like in the war”: “the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness.” “The mask compelled them.” (64)
64 Piggy’s appearance “the only boy on the island whose hair never seemed to grow.” Long hair.
66+ Fire out; Pig caught. Ralph’s priority ignored; Jack’s priority indulged.
“link between him [Ralph] and Jack had been snapped…fastened elsewhere” (73) Where? (Jack & Roger???)
71 Jack attacks Piggy: breaks one lens of glasses
74 Simon provides pig for Piggy
74-5 Dance (circle) vs. Meeting (shell & triangle)
Chapter Five: “Beast from Water”
Ralph’s meeting (with conch) to re-estabilish logic/order devolves into beast talk (Percival, littlun: beast from sea):
Simon: “…maybe it’s [the beast is] only us” 89
Ralph: What are we? Humans? Or animals? 92 (contrast with what Simon says)
Jack: Bollocks to the rules! (i.e. shell) We’re strong—we hunt! 92
Chapter Six: “Beast from Air”
“a sign came down from the world of grown-ups” 96
Sam & Eric see the “beast” (i.e. the dead parachuter) 98
Explore the unexplored part of the island (Castle Rock???): Simon “incredulity” re: beast: “However Simon thought of the beast, there rose before his inward sight the picture of a human at once heroic and sick” (103) Simon doesn’t believe in “beast” (105)
Boys (including Roger) roll rocks instead of tending to fire, says Ralph 107-08
Jack: seek beast instead of tending to fire (others do not answer “mutinously”) 108
Looking more closely at Lord of the Flies
the second half
Chapter Seven: “Shadows and Tall Trees” (island’s appearance)
111 Simon to Ralph: you’ll be saved; Ralph to Simon: you’re “batty”
113-115 Ralph attacks pig / Ralph participates in play hunt & dance
123 Ralph, Jack, Roger (ch 1 exploration Ralph, Jack, Simon) see beast / dead parachuter: “ruin of a face” (cf “civilization…in ruins” ch 4)
Chapter Eight: “Gift for the Darkness” (island’s appearance / beast)
127 Jack splits (cf. 73 and 108)
131 weather (island’s appearance) “in sympathy with great changes…”
135 sow rape leads to sacrifice (perverse new civilization w/ its own quasi-rituals quite different from the shell-ordered meetings)
140 Jack & mask; Ralph & fire; Piggy & shell (Samneric peer at edge of the forest)
137-8 & 143-4 Simon talks w/ pig’s head (which is the “lord of the flies” (beelzebub) & another form of beast) "Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill...You knew didn't you? I'm part of you?..." (143); Simon loses consciousness in the blackness of its mouth. (cf. Simon's death)
Note “sea” “air” “tall trees” “shadows” “darkness” What’s the common thread in the chapter titles 5-8?
Chapter Nine: “A View to a Death”
146 Simon learns truth about “beast” / dead parachuter
Ralph & Piggy join Jack’s band for protection from weather / island and to eat pig;
the boys play dance in circle around Roger-as-pig (contrast w/ conch meetings); Roger leaves center which “yawned emptily” (mouth!!! Of a beast???) & boys chant (mouth!!!);
Simon / “the beast” appears from the forest; circle becomes horseshoe which Simon / beast enters; “mouth of new circle crunched & screamed” then “tearing of teeth and claws”
Storm (island’s appearance)
Parachuter / beast blown away
Simon’s body taken by sea
Chapter Ten: The Shell and the Glasses
157 Ralph & Piggy talk about beast / Simon: face what they did? Or forget it?
163 Sam & Eric’s role?
168 glasses not shell
Chapter 11: “Castle Rock” (Castle hmm… what kind of government?)
172 paint (boys’ appearance)
173 Sam & Eric’s role?
181 Piggy & shell; Roger & rock; Ralph v. Jack
Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters” (Is that a pun on “cry”?)
185 Ralph & the pig’s skull (cf Simon & pig’s head 143-4)
190 Sam & Eric’s role? Give pig to Ralph to eat. “stick sharpened at both ends” (cf pig’s skull)
192-3 Sam & Eric’s role? Twins split; one reveals Ralph to Jack & Roger; attack Ralph with destructive rock
200-2 Jack, Roger, etc. hunt Ralph; island on fire; naval officer arrives, wonders why the boys’ haven’t done better (“appalling ignorance of his own nature”); Ralph (who is not ignorant any longer of man’s nature) cries for the death & savagery
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lord of the Flies #11, #12, #13 (the last three chapters)
1. How is the conversation at the beginning of the chapter between Piggy and Ralph significant?
2. Explain what happens with the objects that are mentioned in the chapter title. How might what happens be thematically or symbolically significant?
Chapter 11:
3. What dramatic and violent event occurs in the chapter? Who is involved and how? How are two important motifs involved? How might the event symbolically represent changes on the island? (In other words what happens and what might it represent?)
Chapter 12:
4. Think about the chapter title. Who are the hunters? Who is the hunted? (What side are Sam and Eric on now?)
5. Think about the very end. What happens in the end and how might it be thematically and symbolically significant?
Lord of the Flies #10: O'Maley Experiment Turning Point (& #14 O'Maley Ending)
Option: You can write an ending for the O'Maley experiment as part of your "turning point" narrative or you can write am ending in class on Wednesday. The ending is assignment #14
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Lord of the Flies #7, #8, & #9
Chapter 7 “Shadows and Tall Trees”:
1. OPEN RESPONSE Explore the complexity of Ralph’s character development in this chapter. Consider his memories of life off of the island, his conversation with Simon, his participation in the “game” in this chapter, his participation in the search. What conflict is taking place within Ralph?
2. SHORT ANSWER What do Jack, Ralph, and Roger discover at the end of the chapter? How might it be symbolically significant that now it is Roger not Simon who explores with Jack and Ralph?
Chapter 8 “Gift for the Darkness”:
3. SHORT ANSWER What major turning point occurs in this chapter? For what reason? (Jack and Ralph)
4. SHORT ANSWER What literally is the “Gift for the Darkness”? How might the gift be significant?
5. OPEN RESPONSE Explore Simon’s role in this chapter. Where does he go? What does he experience? What does he learn? How might this be important?
Chapter 9 “A View to a Death”:
6. SHORT ANSWER What does Simon learn near the beginning of the chapter? How is this significant?
7. SHORT ANSWER What pivotal choice do Ralph and Piggy make? How is the choice important?
8. OPEN RESPONSE What is the significance of the title “A View to a Death”? In other words what happens at the end of the chapter? How is it significant? (When thinking about significance consider what the event has to do with Golding’s observation that “man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature.” How does the event reveal “ignorance” of what Golding thinks is mankind’s “nature”?)
Lord of the Flies #6 (and study card format)
We've now been trapped inside O'Maley for several weeks. Describe what it is happening from the perspective of the character you have been assigned. (You may incorporate other characters from Lord of the Flies. You may also incorporate people you know. Your character might even see your middle school self their too.) Use at least eight Lord of the Flies vocabulary words in your writing. (Use all twelve properly for an advanced score.)
Words, parts of speech, and definitions below. See Mr. Cook for full vocabulary list (including related words, antonyms, and etymologies).
Abominable | Adj. | detestable; loathsome unpleasant or disagreeable |
Accord | Noun Verb | Agreement, harmony, settlement, compromise To bring into harmony, to bestow upon |
Blatant | Adj. | 1. Unpleasantly loud and noisy 2. Totally or offensively conspicuous or obvious |
Clamber | Verb | To climb with difficulty, especially on all fours; scramble. |
Clamor | Noun Verb | 1. A loud outcry; a hubbub. 2. A vehement expression of discontent or protest 1. to cry out long and loudly 2. to demand, to complain |
Contrite | Adj. | Feeling regretful and sorrowful |
Corpulent | Adj. | Excessively fat. |
Covert | Adj. Noun | 1. Secretive 2. Covered A covering or cover (often a shelter) |
Demoniac | Adj. | influenced by a demon resembling a devil; fiendish |
Derisive | Adj. | Mocking, jeering |
Discursive | Adj. | 1. Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling. |
Drone | Verb Noun | 1. To make a low humming sound 2. To speak monotonously 1. Male bee 2. Idle person 3. Person who does tedious work |
Study Card Format for Lord of the Flies
Front Back
Word | Synonym Antonym Definition Example Visual |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lord of the Flies #4 and #5
“Painted Faces and Long Hair” (pages 68-75)
Answer two of the following questions below. Circle the two questions you will answer and answer them in the space below.
What (exactly) has happened to Piggy’s glasses?
What does Simon do at the end of chapter 4 to show his generosity?
What have Jack and Roger (and some others) done successfully by the end of chapter 4?
What does Ralph call for at the end of chapter 4?
What role does the pig play at the end of chapter 4?
Lord of the Flies #5
“Beast from Water” and “Beast from Air”
Prompt: Explore the significance of “beasts” in these two chapters.
Proficient responses will include an understanding of how the chapter titles relate to the events in the chapters. Proficient responses will also explore what William Golding might be using the chapter titles and events to suggest about mankind’s “appalling ignorance of his own nature.” Advanced responses will include sophisticated insights supported by precise supporting evidence.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Lord of the Flies #3
Open Response 1: Choose the most important quotation about your character in the first four chapters of the book. Use the quotation to write about the significance of your character through the first four chapters of the book.
Open Response 2: Choose the most important quotation about your motif in the first four chapters of the book. Use the quotation to write about the significance of your motif through the first four chapters of the book.
Due Wednesday, November 24.
Preparing for *mOnstah!* Talk Show
Bring your quotations and responses to each prompt on Monday November 29. mOnstah! talk shows will be held each Monday between now and the holiday break (11/29, 12/6, 12/13, 12/20).
1. Write a paragraph in which you define and characterize your monster. Who is the monster? How do you know? What makes the character monstrous? Is her/his/its physical appearance monstrous? Are the monster’s morals monstrous? Are the monster’s actions monstrous? Explain. Include a quotation from the book that helps characterize the monster.
2. Write a paragraph in which you explain the cause of the monsters monstrousness. Is the monster’s monstrousness a reaction against someone or something? Is it learned from her/his/its environment? Is it innate? Explain. Include a quotation from the book that supports your exploration of the cause(s) of monstrousness.
3. How does the monster feel about his/her/its monstrousness? Proud? Regretful? Mixed feelings?
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Lord of the Flies #2
Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain
“You got your small fire alright.”
What is Piggy talking about here? How is the event Piggy is talking about significant in terms of William Golding’s opinion that “man suffers from an appalling ignorance of his own nature”? (Hint: The best answers will consider the littlun with the mulberry-colored mark on his face.)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Lord of the Flies #1
1. Imagine your character is present during the O’Maley Experiment. Explain how he might act and what might happen with him during the first several hours.
Role: Your character
Audience: Your peers and me
Format: Story told from the point of view of your character.
Topic: How would the character act during the first few hours of the O’Maley experiment?
2. Imagine your character is asked to talk about the role of your motif in the first several hours on the island (the first chapter). What would he say about the motif (or if your motif doesn’t appear have your character talk about the motif that is in the chapter’s title).
Role: Your character
Audience: Your peers and me
Format: Story told from the point of view of your character
Topic: What would your character say about the motif (or if your motif doesn’t appear use the shell/conch)?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Preparing for Term Two RAFT 1: mOnstah!
1. Write down (or type up) at least one quotation that will help your peers understand how the character is a monster.
2. Write down (or type up) at least one quotation that will help your peers understand what made the character monstrous. What influences made him/her/it the way he/she/it is?
3. Write down (or type up) at least one quotation that will help your peers understand the monsters attitude toward its/hers/his own monstrousness. Does the monster have regrets? Is the monster unrepentant? Does the monster reject the label entirely?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Independent Reading Assignment #6

(Here's an example from Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the next book we're reading together. The example above has everything you'll need -- title, image, quotation, statement -- except for the author.)
#6 (Due Friday November 5, 2010)
Role: advertising executive
Audience: other high school students
Format: an 8.5” x 11” magazine advertisement
Topic: You will create a magazine advertisement for your monster book. Include the following in the ad: title of the book; author of the book; art depicting a main topic, theme, or conflict; statement of a main topic, theme, or conflict; a quotation from the book.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Comparing the novel *Frankenstein* by Mary Shelley with the film *Mary Shelley's Frankenstein* by Kenneth Branagh
(Note: In the color-coding blue refers to characters associated with the far north, yellow refers to characters associated with Geneva, red refers to characters associated with Ingolstadt, green refers to characters associated with the forest, pink refers to characters associated with Ireland.)
(Note 2: The Wikipedia list of differences is accurate but does not emphasize the ways the differences are meaningful; conversely, remember that we are emphasizing the ways the differences are thematically meaningful.)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Independent Reading Assignment #5

Open Response Question
Who is more monstrous: the monster in your book or the monster in the film Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?
Take a position then defend your position using evidence from your book and the film to persuade the reader that you are right. Your response should demonstrate a personal understanding of "monsters" and "monstrousness," as well as an understanding of how those concepts relate to the book and film you've been studying. Write clearly, accurately, and persuasively.
Due Thursday, October 28
Monday, October 18, 2010
Frankenstein Vocabulary & Independent Reading Assignment #4
Independent Reading Assignment #4
Due Thursday, October 20.
1. What book are you reading? How long is it? How many pages have you read?
2. How is the reading going?
3. Choose a quotation from what you read on Monday (or if you were absent, from what you read at home). Write a response to the quotation that links the quotation to the book as a whole. I expect a thoughtful, specific, meaningful response.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Independent Reading Assignment #3
Audience: Who do you imagine will be reading the writing? (Ideas: another character, newspaper reader, police listening to an eyewitness account, a film producer, your classmates.)
Format: How will you present the writing? What will it look like? (Will it look like a newspaper article, a play, a letter, a diary entry, a film proposal, an advertisement, a comic strip?)
Topic: What is the subject of the writing? YOUR MONSTER BOOK SO FAR.
Write down the role, audience, format, and topic. Then write the RAFT. (10+ sentences is a good guideline for an acceptable RAFT.) Turn it in on Tuesday (10/13) or Wednesday (10/14).
Monday, October 4, 2010
Independent Reading Assignment #2
Imagine that we want to convince other juniors at GHS to read these books. This week you’re going to write a very short play based on the most interesting part of your book so far. The goal of this play is to interest readers in your book in less than two minutes.
Roles: Your choice of two characters from your book.
Audience: the class of 2012 – in the auditorium.
Format: Dramatic dialogue (like a short play with each character talking at least five times). Add stage directions to create a setting and to make any actions clear. Imagine we’re going to present a piece of each of “monster” book to interest other juniors in reading them. (Don’t worry we’re not going to do this though we might read a few aloud.)
Topic: a tense, dramatic event in your book. Choose a scene that might be interesting to your peers. (The characters can experience the event or can talk about the event.)
Example (using a scene from Beowulf)
Beowulf Puts Unferth in His Place
Beowulf (Talking loudly and confidently.): Unferth,
murderer of brothers, save your drunken prattle for lesser men. In my contest with Brecca I fought sea beasts rolling along the whale-road for hours – while you were stumbling drunk ashamed of killing your own flesh and blood. For shame.
Unferth (Looking down into his mead while Geats laugh at
him and Danes stare at him ashamed.): Well. I mean. But. Ah…
[Here each character has spoken once. In your each will speak five times.]
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Independent Reading Assignment #1
Role: a character from the book
Audience: your Junior English classmates
Format: informal letter
Dear C-block English,
[the character’s name]
Topic: Have the character introduce her- or himself to the class. Include specific detail. Consider personality traits, physical traits, attitude toward others, attitude toward events, others’ attitude toward her or him, etc. (“Open response” length.)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Reflection on the unit's big ideas
2. Tell a story in which you depict heroism. As you tell the story reflect on what the story suggests about heroism.
3. For you what real world people or things are monstrous. Explain what characteristics make them monstrous.
4. Tell a story in which you depict a real world monster. As you tell the story reflect on what the story suggests about monsters.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Five Ways of Looking (creative wriitng, end of unit one draft paper)
(Perspective & Perception)
Think of something, someplace, or someone that you will write about from five different perspectives. What did you pick?
Five Ways of Looking at ___________________________________________
Now that you have decided upon something, someplace, or someone to perceive (look at/understand/have an opinion about), what five different perspectives (points of view) upon that thing, place, or person will be interesting and revealing?
Five ways
Pick five roles (as we did with the two ways of looking at the water crisis: restaurant owner, landscaper, person with a well, etc.) and/or five situations (as Margaret Atwood does in bread: kitchen, famine, prison, etc.). In case you are wondering: yes, you can combine roles and situations.
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
Now choose a narrative point of view. If you want to focus on helping the reader enter the roles and/or situations use second person (you, your). If you want to focus on entering the roles and/or situations yourself use first person (I, me, my). Third person (she, he, they, etc.) is not as useful for this assignment.
Now you’re ready to write. Write at least ten sentences from each point of view. Perceptions, understandings, and opinions of the thing, place, or person should be different from each of the five points of view. These perceptions, understandings, and opinions should also be vivid and revealing.
Have fun!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Summer Reading & New Blog
There you will find links to everything you need to complete the summer reading assignment.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Midyear Exam Essay
Works we have studied:
• Beowulf an epic poem by an anonymous Christian monk, translated by Burton Raffel;
• Grendel a novel by John Gardner;
• Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein a film directed by Kenneth Branagh;
• Lord of the Flies a novel by William Golding;
• and your independent reading book(s).
You MUST have notes for the essay.
Beowulf Quiz (Knowledge and Comprehension with some Analysis)
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or phrase.
Danes Beowulf Hrothgar Grendel’s mother Unferth Esher Hrunting Wiglaf a slave Higlac Geats the dragon
Grendel terrorized the Danes inside ___ (1. place) for ___ (2. number) years.
___ (3. character) is king of the Danes.
___ (4. character) is a failed Danish warrior who at first questions Beowulf’s heroism but later gives him a sword to help him battle Grendel’s mother.
___ (5.) is hung from the rafters of the hall.
___ (6. character) is Hrothgar’s friend and advisor who is killed by ___ (7. character).
___ (8. sword’s name) fails Beowulf when he fights Grendel’s mother.
After Beowulf chopped it off, it took four Geats to carry ___ (9.) back to the hall.
After the Geat king, ___ (10. character), and his sons die, ___ (11. character) becomes king of the Geats and rules for ___ (12. number) years.
___ (13. character) steals a chalice (a gold cup) and angers ____ (14. character).
___ (15. character) fights along side Beowulf when the other Geats ___ (16. verb) from the dragon.
___ (17. character) kills Beowulf.
With ___ (18. character)’s help ___ (19. character) kills the dragon.
Beowulf asks ___ (20. character) to build him ___ (21. structure) when he dies.
___ (22. group of people) lived in present day southern Sweden.
___ (23. group of people) lived (and continue to live) in what is present day Denmark.
Write down the letter that precedes the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.
24. In the end Beowulf ___
A. wants to be remembered for his heroic deeds B. gives Wiglaf valuable gifts
C. wants Wiglaf to lead the Geats D. all of the above E. none of the above
25. Beowulf is ___.
A. a short story B. a play C. a novel D. an epic poem
26. Beowulf was written in ___.
A. Danish B. Geatish C. modern English D. Anglo-Saxon
27. Beowulf was probably written by ___ between ___ .
A. a pagan…700 and 1000 B.C. (B.C.E.) B. a monk…700 and 1000 A.D. (C.E.)
C. Hrothgar’s advisor…700 and 1000 B.C. (B.C.E.) D. Shakespeare…1590 and 1600 A.D. (C.E.)
28. ___ is characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon hero.
A. Acceptance of fate whether success or death
B. A letter in the middle of his mail shirt and a cape on his back
C. A dislike of bragging or boasting
D. Arriving hidden in the night
E. None of the above
Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that best matches the definition given.
29. ____________________: relief from grief or anxiety
30. ____________________: armor of linked rings
31. ____________________: fermented water, honey, malt, yeast
32. ____________________: Old English poet, bard
33. ____________________: guard, watchman
34. ____________________: chief supporting force, tendon
35. ____________________: pain, suffering, distress
Choose the vocabulary word that best describes the literary technique or concept indicated by the quotation or title. (Letters can be used more than once. Some letters may not be used.)
36. ___ ___ (two letters)“Fate will unwind as it must” A. Alliteration
B. Caesura
37. ___ ___ (two letters) “. . . Loud in the hall, the harp’s rejoicing” C. Epic
D. Kenning
38. ___ “mead hall” “swan-road” E. Wyrd
F. Scop
39. Briefly explain (in a few sentences) how the behavior of each of the three main monsters in the Beowulf epic exemplifies a different aspect of human nature.
40. Briefly (in a few sentences) explain how the last episode of the poem—Beowulf, the Geats, and the dragon—might be interpreted as a commentary on heroic and non-heroic behavior.
Grendel Quiz (Knowledge and Comprehension)
1. In chapter 1 Grendel ___.
A. extends his middle finger toward the sky to show his anger.
B. meets the shaper for the first time.
C. observes the development of human civilization.
D. gets stuck in a tree and is attacked by a bull.
2. Chapter 1 begins ___.
A. at the beginning of the twelfth year of Grendel’s war on Hrothgar’s kingdom.
B. before Grendel has launched his twelve year war on Hrothgar’s kingdom.
C. after Wiglaf and Beowulf defeat the dragon.
D. before Grendel meets the dragon.
3. What does Grendel learn about humans in chapter 2?
A. Humans are friends with the animals.
B. Humans are theory makers who invent understanding of the world around them.
C. Humans are mechanical creatures that act on instinct.
D. Humans know who Grendel is and are against him.
4. What does Grendel learn about animals in chapter 2?
A. Animals are friends with the humans.
B. Animals are theory makers who invent understanding of the world around them.
C. Animals are mechanical creatures that act on instinct.
D. Animals are against Grendel.
5. Which of the following is not something Grendel observes while watching and listening to humans in chapter 3?
A. Grendel listens to the shaper sing about Hrothgar’s heroic ancestors.
B. Grendel sees groups of Danes develop from hunter-gathers to farmers to an organized civilization under Hrothgar’s control.
C. Grendel sees groups of humans attack other groups, destroying buildings, crops, animals, etc.
D. Grendel sees many acts of human heroism and kindness.
6. When stuck in the tree Grendel begins to ___.
A. Talk to the dragon
B. See the world as an exciting playground to explore
C. Plot the destruction of Unferth and Wealtheow
D. Divide the world into I and it
7. How does Grendel feel about the Shaper’s songs?
A. Grendel is bored by the Shaper’s songs.
B. Grendel feels conflicted: the songs are attractive but he knows they are lies.
C. Grendel loves the Shaper’s songs without reservation.
D. Grendel is completely unaffected by the Shaper’s songs.
8. In chapter three and four Grendel notices that ____.
A. The Shaper’s songs make the Scyldings seem nobler and more heroic than they really are.
B. The Shaper is hated by Hrothgar and his warriors.
C. The Shaper’s songs make the Scyldings seem less noble and less heroic than they really are.
D. The Shaper’s songs are long and boring.
9. The belief that existence lacks meaning and value is called ___.
A. nihilism
B. anarchism
C. heroism
D. beauty
10. Grendel’s feelings about the Shaper’s songs ___.
A. lead Grendel to the dragon
B. cause Grendel to approach the humans to talk with them
C. create conflict within Grendel’s mind
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
11. The Dragon explains to Grendel that ___.
A. everything dies, everything ends, everything is temporary and therefore everything is meaningless
B. the Shaper is really Grendel’s friend
C. the humans deserve a second chance
D. monsters should become more like people
12. What physical change that happens to Grendel symbolizes the emotional change that occurs while talking with the dragon?
A. The Dragon transforms Grendel into a bull.
B. The Dragon charms Grendel’s flesh so swords can not harm him.
C. Grendel grows in size after talking with the Dragon.
D. Grendel begins to look more human after talking with the dragon.
13. How does Grendel treat Unferth?
A. Grendel kills Unferth because all life is meaningless
B. Grendel mocks Unferth instead of killing him because Unferth wants to die as a hero.
C. Grendel befriends Unferth and listens closely to Unferth’s philosophy.
D. Grendel makes Unferth squeal like a pig.
14. Unferth believes primarily in ___.
A. nihilism
B. heroism
C. beauty
D. anarchism
15. What does Wealtheow bring to Hrothgar’s people (the Scyldings)?
A. beauty, calmness, kindness
B. heroism, strength, bravery
C. belief in God
D. deception, trickery, lies
16. How does Wealtheow become Hrothgar’s queen?
A. Hygmod gives his sister to Hrothgar in order to maintain peace with Hrothgar’s kingdom.
B. Wealtheow falls in love with Hrothgar because he is a great warrior.
C. Wealtheow chooses Hrothgar after he defeats Unferth in a duel.
D. Hrothgar saves Wealtheow from Grendel and then takes her as his queen.
17. Which of the following is not among the ways Grendel responds to Wealtheow?
A. He both is attracted to her beauty and kindness and is angered by it, which is similar to the way he felt about the Shaper.
B. He decides not to kill her; he says killing her would be just as meaningless as not killing her.
C. He makes her squeal like a pig in order to strip away her beauty and calmness just as he mocked Unferth in order to strip away his heroism.
D. He is so deeply affected by her that he decides to stop killing humans.
18. Hrothulf is ___.
A. Wealtheow’s brother who gives her to Hrothgar.
B. The priest Grendel talks with.
C. Hrothgar’s nephew who wants “Universal Justice”.
D. Grendel’s father’s name.
19. Red Horse believes ___.
A. Deeply in God and religion.
B. In heroism, like Unferth and the stranger.
C. All governments are evil. He’s an anarchist.
D. In Wealtheow’s beauty and kindness.
20. The way Red Horse teaches Hrothulf is similar to the way the ___ teaches Grendel.
A. Hrothgar
B. The Dragon
C. Wealtheow
D. The Shaper
21. Ork believes that ___.
A. everything has a purpose
B. nothing has value
C. heroism in battle is the most important virtue
D. Grendel will be killed by Beowulf
22. Which of the following events toward the end of the novel seems to foreshadow Grendel’s death?
A. the shaper’s death
B. Unferth’s death
C. Wealtheow’s death
D. Hrothgar’s death
23. How does Grendel feel about the arrival of the strangers (the Geats)?
A. He thinks they are a joke.
B. He is bored because they look weak.
C. He is ticked off because they make stupid, unrealistic boasts.
D. He is excited by their arrival.
24. Why does Grendel feel that way toward the strangers (Geats)?
A. They will break up the mechanical boredom of his life.
B. At some level Grendel knows that death is the only way out of the mechanical boredom of his meaningless life.
C. They will teach him how to live a more meaningful life.
D. Both A and C
E. Both A and B
25. The Stranger seems to be which character from the Old English poem Beowulf?
A. Grendel’s mother
B. Hrothgar
C. Wiglaf
D. Beowulf
26. What does the Stranger try to teach Grendel? The Stranger teaches Grendel ___.
A. to find gold and sit on it
B. do whatever you want to pass the time
C. a person (or monster) must create meaning, value, and hope
D. that the Dragon was right
27. The Stranger’s philosophy shows that he has the opposite beliefs of which character?
A. Unferth
B. Wealtheow
C. The Dragon
D. The Shaper
28. In the end ___.
A. Grendel accepts what the Stranger tries to teach him and wishes that he had created meaning, value, and hope while he lived
B. Rejects what the Stranger tries to teach him and believes that his death is a meaningless accident
C. Grendel promises to change his behavior and the Stranger lets him live
D. Grendel defeats the Stranger
29. “Poor Grendel’s had an accident…so may you all” ___.
A. are the Stranger’s last words, which show that he hates Grendel
B. are Grendel’s last words, which show that he sees life as a pointless accident
C. is a clear statement of the author’s deeply held beliefs
D. are random words that Mr. Cook plucked out of his own head
30. The novel’s author, John Gardner, seems to want to show the reader that ___.
E. life is meaningless so do whatever you want to pass the time
F. strong heroes always defeat evil monsters
G. people must find hope, meaning, and value in life or we are doomed to live an empty, boring, repetitive existence
H. Mr. Cook likes assigning hard books
Quick Quiz on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Directed by Kenneth Branagh (Knowledge and Comprehension)
If the statement is true circle “True”; if the statement is false circle “false” and correct the underlined word.
For example:
* Henry Clerval created a life form from human remains.
True / False ____________________
(Hint: all of the names you will need are somewhere on the test.)
1. The Frankenstein family lives in
2. In the novel Henry is Victor's brother. True / False ____________________
3. Caroline Beaufort is Victor's mother. True / False ____________________
4. Caroline dies of the scarlet fever in the film. True / False ____________________
5. Justine is Victor's adopted sister and wife. True / False ____________________
6. M. Waldman is a friend of Victor meets at college. True / False ____________________
7. M. Krempe supports Victor's interest in imaginative science. True / False ____________________
8. In the film, an angry man, who refuses to be vaccinated, kills Henry.
True / False ____________________
9. M. DeLacey is the blind man who befriends the creature. True / False ____________________
10. For his acts of kindness Frankenstein’s creature was called the “Good Spirit of the
True / False ____________________
11. Justine is framed for the death of William. True / False ____________________
12. In the film,
13. On the sea of ice the monster asks Victor to live with him.
True / False ____________________
14. Upon hearing Victor’s story and seeing the creature, Walton decides not to continue to the North Pole.
True / False ____________________
15. The film displays a Gothic style by depicting tame emotions and ordinary events.
True / False ____________________
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Independent Reading Film Treatment Project
Audience: Film Producers (the people with the money to make the film)
Format: Presentation Film Treatment
Topic: Turn the book (so far) into a proposal for film. These proposals are called “treatments”.
Title (The title doesn’t have to be the title of the book. Maybe a different title would be better for a film version.)
Cast of characters (List the characters and offer a description (1-3) sentences of each.)
List of locations (List the locations needed to make the film. You don’t need to describe the locations.)
Short summary of the whole(Write a short summary of the book/film, 7 to 10 sentences.
Summary of each scene. (Write a 1-3 sentence summary of each scene – a scene is a single time and place – needed to turn the book into a film. You can rearrange and/or cut scenes from the book in order to make a better film. You must have twenty or more (20+). Films generally have somewhere around 70 but can have 100 or more depending upon how fast moving they are. So if you want an “A” for the treatment you’ll need to go well beyond 20 scenes.)